My Instagram Book

It arrived!!!!! My Instagram book using Blurb. 
I’m hooked or addicted which ever you prefer to the Instagram app. I carry my ipod touch everywhere we go and over 800 photos on it since November.
So when I got really excited when saw that I could take those super cool hip square photos and make them into a book.
 It’s so cute and was beyond easy to create. Blurb linked right to my Instagram account and I picked what photos I wanted to use they did all the work matching the photos up and laying them out then I went in added a few more pages switched some photos around and in about 30 minutes I had my 74 page softcover book ordered (the books also come in hard cover and different sizes),
it arrived a week later.
 This is volume 1 and plan on making several in a year, it’s way better and cheaper than a photo album.
Happy weekend!!!