{SH} Sundays #7

It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve had internet service and for a photographer it seems like eternity, I’ve only been able to blog twice a week from friends computers, I really hope they figure out what’s wrong with the line so I can share all our vacation photos!
 My son hand picked these from my friends garden, I think they almost look to pretty to eat. Several people thought he was carrying around Easter eggs and not potatoes?
Hanging by a Thread 
 Saw this little guy holding on for dear life to a crepe myrtle blossom bud or maybe he was just showing off.


 Kids jumping on the trampoline, I love watching while I lay on the ground underneath.

(made the collage using photo mechanic and screen capture)

Always Look on the Bright Side

The Mississippi gulf coast is so gorgeous!
Finally visited Biloxi, MS I hadn’t been back since Hurricane Katrina and I watch the sailboats head out. What a beautiful place, they have recovered well, though I do miss all the historic that were destroyed from the flood waters. 


Sometimes my son can be a bit hard headed, so telling him there isn’t snow in August when we go back home to visit doesn’t mean you won’t be seeing him carrying skis all around town looking for some.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

My Instagram Book

It arrived!!!!! My Instagram book using Blurb. 
I’m hooked or addicted which ever you prefer to the Instagram app. I carry my ipod touch everywhere we go and over 800 photos on it since November.
So when I got really excited when saw that I could take those super cool hip square photos and make them into a book.
 It’s so cute and was beyond easy to create. Blurb linked right to my Instagram account and I picked what photos I wanted to use they did all the work matching the photos up and laying them out then I went in added a few more pages switched some photos around and in about 30 minutes I had my 74 page softcover book ordered (the books also come in hard cover and different sizes),
it arrived a week later.
 This is volume 1 and plan on making several in a year, it’s way better and cheaper than a photo album.
Happy weekend!!!

x-ray eyes

So Mommy why are you taking pictures of me???
Just checking to see if my new lens was still sharp after having quite the weekend with this here butter fingers and since I can’t tell anymore looking through the camera, I just really don’t want to admit that this age thing seems to be creeping up on me but I see a trip to the eye doctor in my future, aren’t puns fun and really dorky!
I’ve started to miss that 15/15 vision I had in my 20’s and the x-ray vision in my 10’s, well at least that’s what the joke was in elementary school they called me supergirl my eyesight was so good.
But really, really love my new Canon’s 24-70mm 2.8 it’s officially the first lens I have bought in like 15 years yikes!

  But now I can finally stop dragging the camera bag around on field trips. I might be a professional but I sure don’t like to look like one at a birthday party and I’m sure it’s nothing like being a Doctor who’s hounded for free medical advice everywhere they go but when I’m enjoying myself I’d rather not be handed a camera or be asked to take a few, you know since you’re here.

Check out the lens HERE they’re offering a rebate through March.