Dachshund Sunset

Yes, this happened!
You have some free time on a Saturday, the kids want another pet, so you find yourself at the county animal shelter.
Those big brown eyes won’t stop staring up at you, the kids ask to pet her, and a few days later you are a Dachshund mom.
There’s no changing your mind, her Instagram account already has followers, even before the kids decide on a name.

Check out more pics of the very lovable Kimmy HERE.

Instagram @dachshundsunset

Hello Bunny!

We’ve been super busy and preoccupied lately with bunnies!!! We are in love with our family of lop ears, so stop by their Instagram account HELLOBUN_NY and be prepared for a heavy dose of adorable!

Our first love Bunny crossed the rainbow bridge on November 10th, there is an empty spot in our hearts, he had an incredible spirit and the most playful personality so glad to have had him in our lives.

{SH} Sundays #33

Wow! It’s Sunday already, only a week and a half left of school so many teacher thank you gifts to make and 
final class projects to finish but oh how I can’t wait to have all 4 kiddos home again, the past 6 months was challenging
 I really miss homeschooling and crafting the day away together.


It’s been raining all week so this is as
 close to seeing the sun as we got, just spending the afternoon with our
 head in the clouds dreaming of warm summer days.


Self expression is the best!


June 7th was National Doughnut Day so we
made up a batch of semi-healthy donuts, I love adding greek yogurt to recipes!


These make me smile every time I walk into my kitchen.

Favorite Color
Mine is Orange.

Take an old cheap 70’s mirror and paint it
 your favorite color it will be sure to brighten your day.

WW: Instant Randomness

What happens when you spend 3 weeks in Alabama with no kids, TV and limited internet and a slew of photo sessions?
The car will break down the day your to head back home, you shoot over 5000 frames on your camera to which none of them are of your own kids,  and cooking? what’s that!? All your free time is spent walking around in the 80 degree temps  and sunshine wishing for snow to fall before you melt and best of all you forget all about posting to your blog or that you even have one.
Here’s a few random Instagram pix until I dig myself out of editing photos and find some new ones of my kiddos, there’s an awesome one of Zen still sitting on a compact flash card I have to share soon.
this might have been a rare sighting in Alabama but our lawn in NY has plenty of dandelions to go around….salad anyone?

fresh from our garden, the smell in divine!

My kiddos first pay phone sighting…somewhere in Kentucky.
Too bad we didn’t have any loose change on us.

one sister

two sisters

three sisters on a tractor.
Blogs to Link up with …
 Bumbles & Light The Paper Mama    Better in Bulk Dagmar's momsense blog button  babybabylemon 

{SH} Sundays #13

A lot of camera phone pix this week, but I’m happy to say my ribs are on the mend,
still a lot of daily pain and I’m on day 11 sleeping in an upright position so
let’s hope it doesn’t drive me to the brink of insanity.

The Bokeh proved to be more difficult them I imagined but after some trial and
error and some silliness there was success, we made hearts!
 It’s good to stretch the levels of creativity and try something new.


We love our Saturday trip to the coffee house and hanging out with friends, Zen grabbed
some reading glasses and entertained them by making silly faces. 
(thank goodness they were already cracked before my kids got a hold of them).


Stream found the perfect hole in the fencing at the playground, we manage to visit yet another one this week.


The first sign of fall, a yellow leaf fallen from the big tree over looking our backyard.

 Ordinary Color

I wish my lips were ordinarily this color and shape.
 I thought you might like to see how I managed to get my bokeh hearts, remember
 this prop from this previous post it worked perfectly!


This proved to be a bit more difficult than I thought , but mission accomplished.

(click for bokeh tutorial here)

Scavenger Hunt Sunday


Keep on Rollin’

The heat is unbearable lately, we have to be ready and out the door by 8am just to get our daily activity in and that’s really early for us,  add some wheel on my feet and it feels even earlier. 
But we enjoy riding bikes and rollerblading, we love chasing each other around the track and we love coming home to a big bowl of ice cream. 
Did you know it’s almost the end of May? Summer vacation starts Monday around here, how did that happen? We’re going to keep it rollin’ until July 1st and I don’t think the kiddos mind one bit.
All we want to do in the heat is lay around the cool house reading books anyways. Lazy summer days are our specialty.

Have you been counting? This is our 500th post! and we’re going to keep on rollin’.
Have you made a book out of your blog posts, I’ve started laying one out and can’t wait to thumb through it when it arrives. Blogs are a wonderful way of recording our lives, our likes and dislikes, recipes, travels, milestones and adventures!

My Instagram Book

It arrived!!!!! My Instagram book using Blurb. 
I’m hooked or addicted which ever you prefer to the Instagram app. I carry my ipod touch everywhere we go and over 800 photos on it since November.
So when I got really excited when saw that I could take those super cool hip square photos and make them into a book.
 It’s so cute and was beyond easy to create. Blurb linked right to my Instagram account and I picked what photos I wanted to use they did all the work matching the photos up and laying them out then I went in added a few more pages switched some photos around and in about 30 minutes I had my 74 page softcover book ordered (the books also come in hard cover and different sizes),
it arrived a week later.
 This is volume 1 and plan on making several in a year, it’s way better and cheaper than a photo album.
Happy weekend!!!

Picked Off

We headed to the local flea market to get a glimpse of them filming the new series Picked Off, a spin off of Picker’s, even better was that all the vendors had their best wares out for the show so we scored an awesome 1950’s desk for the kiddos to do schoolwork at and he even left some cool supplies inside.

 I wonder if that guy’s thinking how’d half my body get over there.

Wish we were in LA but that’s Lower Alabama around these parts.

Must own a Hummer to fit the rest of China in her car, to funny to pass up and you know the economy’s bad when they’re selling a whole country for $150 OBO. 
The lady got a kick out of us poking fun at her sign, we weren’t the first.

Instagram Moment of Love

I love this photo, I snapped it with Instagram on the ipod touch while our sweet Eco was reading the Valentine’s card from my Mom and Dad. I could stare at her big eyes all day and many days I have especially when she was a baby, her sibling would say they looked like giant marbles, they are so shiny and blue, she’s so funny and full of life we all love her so much!
I did decided to re-shooting this with my Canon 5D mark II, but sometime recapturing a moment even with an expensive camera doesn’t always have the same feeling as the original, I love it just as it is, but was hoping to get something I can enlarge bigger than the original 2″x2″ format, in the end I’ll stick with the Instagram one, it just has a sweetness about it the other didn’t.

To me the answer wasn’t inside the card but in my heart.

for more “love” pix stop over at: